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Online Registration is open till 29th Aug 2024

Welcome Message

Dear Esteemed Delegates,
With great pleasure, the organising committee extends warm greetings to you for the 22 nd Annual ACSICON, slated to take place from August 30 th to September 1 st, 2024.

This ACSICON 2024 stands as the premier Conference for Procedural Dermatology in India, proudly organized by the Association of Cutaneous Surgeons of India (ACSI). Dedicated to Dermatologists specializing in Dermatosurgery & Aesthetics, our conference caters to the needs of aspiring practitioners nationwide.
The forthcoming ACSICON 2024 promises to showcase numerous advancements in procedural dermatology, offering a platform for learning and growth unparalleled in our field

With utmost pride and delight, the ACSICON 2024 introduces the First Cadaver Workshop at an Indian conference and other live workshops on Hair transplant and Dermatosurgery, revolutionizing Dermatology practice and pioneering innovations leading the way forward.

Mahabalipuram, our chosen venue, is renowned for its cultural richness and recreational opportunities, including surfing amidst its scenic coastline. Adorned with temples and monuments crafted by the Pallava dynasty, Mahabalipuram offers a unique blend of history and natural beauty.

We cordially invite you to become an integral part of the vibrant ACSICON 2024 community. Together, let us create unforgettable experiences, exchange invaluable knowledge, and foster meaningful connections that will propel our industry to new heights.

We eagerly anticipate your presence and active participation at this illustrious symposium of Dermatosurgeons, where academic excellence meets innovation and collaborative opportunities abound.

We look forward to welcoming you to the historic town of Mahabalipuram!
Warm regards,
Organizing Committee,

Dr. Dinesh Kumar DevarajOrganising Chairman

Dr. Avitus JohnScientific Chairman

Dr. A Selvam Organising Secretary

Dr. Arun Mozhi VarmanTreasurer

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